artist books - Henry and Rose Go to Camp (2003)

Henry and Rose Go To Camp by Tara Bryan and Duncan Major (2003)
12 leaves. 146 x 146.

With found cuts and original drawings by Tara Bryan printed in black, green, red and brown from line blocks.
19pp. Printed on one side only. 74 x 74 (page). Text set in 8 pt. Century School Book. 75 copies printed on Environment Text on a Vandercook SP15 and 'Gocco' (a small Japanese screen-printing kit). Accordion-fold format, with covers of printed amber St. Armand hand-made paper over boards, in slip case of Blue St. Armand paper and green ribbon pull. ISBN 1-894521-09-9.

$35 plus shipping and tax where applicable.  


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