Transaction One - by Tara Bryan (2001)
27pp. 50 x 35 (page)
Text set in 18 pt. Garamond Italic.
250 copies on Arches text wove on a Vandercook SP15.
Concertina-folded, printed on both sides, in wrapper of printed,
acrylic-stained Opus Watermedia paper.
Each page contains one word; the meaning of the text changes
depending upon how the reader groups and punctuates the words.
$10 plus shipping and tax where applicable.
Transaction Two - by Tara Bryan (2002)
25p. 50 x 45 (page)
Text set in 18 pt. Garamond italic.
250 copies printed on Arches text wove on a Vandercook SP15.
Concertina-folded, printed on both sides, in wrapper of printed,
acrylic-stained Opus Watermedia paper.
Each page contains one word; the meaning of the text changes
depending upon how the reader groups and punctuates the words.